Do you have your life star number identified to get started? If not, here's a quick link to the life star chart. These are your brief profiles, for deeper insight and analysis kindly reach out to the Fengshui Expert, Anjanaa Mistry at
Life Star 1
The Good
Smart - Reflective, deep thinker; you tend to seek out knowledge; good at observing things.
Creative - Ability to come with thoughts and ideas that nobody can; you can think laterally; freedom of thoughts.
Instinctive - strong observation and listening skills; intuitively make decision from past wealth of experiences; ability to think fast.
Warm-hearted - not loud and evasive, observe and listen attentively to what others say; articulate and sensitive.
The Bad
Misty - being more flexible makes you un-committal, indecisive and temperamental; trouble following up.
Lacking Confidence - thoughts and feeling hidden; shield yourself from being hurt; jealousy and suspicion can become issues.
Isolated - people may tire you to get close with you; confidentiality and privacy can be taken to extremities.
Crafty - proud; you may tend to get involved in winning or losing something instead of the experience.
You're a Water Person - sensitive & intuitive. Your biggest weakness is not being able to say "No". You'll become stronger when you understand when to go with the flow and when to say "no".
Life Star 2
The Good
Supportive - good-hearted; committed to bringing out the best in others; willing to provide guidance and assistance.
Particular- exhibit a trait of perfectionism; dislike haphazard, disorganised manner.
Resourceful - don’t give up easily; prone to do finding solutions to the problems.
Merciful- willing to give people a second chance; dislike burning bridges and casting people out of your life
The Bad
Worried - constantly worried about what went wrong; frequently operate from a state of anxiety.
Finicky - unrealistic expectations; become pernickety and get hung up on small details losing sight of the bigger picture.
Submissive - too yielding and shows no resistance to external forces; too eager to appease, may fall prey to a certain dependence on others.
Traditionalist - hardheadedness and unwillingness to do things; conform to the existing system.
You're an Earth Person - Giving. Learn the art of saying "no" to protect yourself from the feeling of being used.
Life Star 3
The Good
Persevering - unstoppable; you can do it attitude and energy that gives you the momentum to stat.
Daring - not easily cowed by threats or obstructions; thick-skinned.
Honest - straightforward, frank, honesty; dislike obfuscation or sophisticated talk.
Energetic - you feel the need to keep moving; you gravitate towards jobs that utilize your lively energy.
The Bad
Headstrong - Rigid and unyielding when you set your mind to something; lack the ability to understand the reasons.
Reckless - you tend to disregard the importance of measured thought and patience before taking action.
Sharp - honesty becomes rudeness at an unhealthy level; lack of sensitivity.
Volatile - others may find it difficult to line up with your mind frame; lack of structure can create disturbance and confusion.
You're a Wood Person - Energetic & Enthusiastic. You have to set aside a time for yourself to relax and replenish your energy.
Life Star 4
The Good
Adaptive - Quick-witted; not afraid of change; flexible and fleet-footed in approach to life Affectionate - most romantic; charming; good communication and listening skills; affable and easy-going personality Liberal - Open-minded, broad-minded; compassionate in other viewpoints; explores the situation before denouncing
The Bad
Changeable - changes opinions very quickly Proud - you may feel a sense of superiority; risk of tarnishing the reputation Impractical - if absent-minded, you become gullible and impractical; stay sharp and correctly assess the situation
You're a Wood Person - Open & Generous. Many times this can work against you - learn to be strong to avoid health issues.
Life Star 6
The Good Status - you create a very impressive influence; you tend to be the leader who sets the pace for others Uncomplicated - straight-talking and straight-shooting; once you believe something to be right you set your mind to it; honest Fair - most priority on justice and fairness; you uphold high ethics and morals; strong in observation and judgements The Bad Proud - competitive; the idea of loosening is frightening to you that you can make the wrong decision in an effort to preserve it Headstrong - hard-headed and stubborn; unable to change approach Aloof - emotionally-removed and distant; lack the ability to accept others as they are Unsure - insecure; you lose perspective; melancholic, depressed
You're a Metal Person - active leader. You often take up leadership positions in times of need - learn the techniques and art to keep up the energy so that you don't burn out.
Life Star 7
The Good
Expressive - Gift of Gab' or the best verbal skill; loquacious, very expressive; Approachable and attractive due to strong expressive nature; might be very popular Bubbly - Energetic, cheerful and vivacious; exude goodwill and good energy; Very bubbly and enjoy attention and focus of people Resourceful - adept at harnessing information, tools and resources to get things done; you have ideas of how to start something; at the very least you know where to go in order to learn how Sharp-eyed - Have an active mind that is constantly working; you tend to know more than you let people know; you change your behaviour as per the situation or surroundings demand the best outcome
The Bad
Selfish - Self-absorbed and vain; thrives for the spotlight - too reliant on praise and attention; can become egotistical, to the point that you stop paying attention to others entirely
Snobbish - set a very high benchmark of how you view other people; Snobbish and condescending
Materialistic - enjoy the good life and have a taste for luxury; your desire can turn into an obsession for money, wealth and beautiful things; all your actions are motivated by the need to have a good material life, can make you superficial and greedy
Controlling - afraid of losing other people's attention and focus; can become possessive, vindictive or jealous if you sense someone trying to usurp your place
You're a Metal Person - social and fun-loving. It also means you are care-free and often missout on finishing the important tasks - it's mandatory for you to meditate.
Life Star 8
The Good
Consistent - Most steady and reliable; qualities of immovable rock/ever-present mountain; rigid in your perspective, sameness; don’t engage in reckless, impulsive behaviour. Trustworthy - Good at seeing things out at the end and getting things done; unimpressed by somebody failing to do something due to change of mood; Strong sense of justice; you speak up when injustice is taking place. Multifaceted - Wealth of ideas, storage of thoughts and concepts for occasions; creativity coupled with intelligence, juggle more roles than expected; open-minded; open to new experiences, ideas and knowledge Positive - Manifest this in the way you view the world; you treat people well, and receive the same in return; considerate of others; you believe - it will all work out for the best.
The Bad
Rigid - resistant to change, eliminate everything that diverts your routine; unreasonable adherence to plans can stop you from achieving goals
Docile - Fail to take action when needed and expect things to constantly come instead; passive, lack the motivation to keep going(Particularly in finance); Passiveness can become dangerous in the long run
Bland - Emotions and feeling are deep and hidden; you may be unable to demand the right thing in a relationship if you don’t know how to express; risk being marginalized or excluded
Aloof - Sceptical Streak; independence, rigidness, stubbornness, inexpressiveness can only make you more alone; you're convinced that your way is the only right way.
You're an Earth Person - composed & thoughtful. To keep up with your nature, you should pay attention to the active energy (music, exercise, travel).
Life Star 9
The Good
Influencer - Self-motivated, inspiring; you find ways to root for the underdog and your enthusiastic interest and contribution to the project of others Motivated - Driven, ambitious; once committed, you're a perfectionist; You see to it that it is done properly Generous - Generous, benevolent; if not involved in charity, you're always ready to give advice, love and time to others who need it; selfless and nurturing Impromptu - You're not rigid or unyielding to sudden changes; you're prone to doing new things as the situation demands
The Bad
Unsteady - Hard to pin down; fickle-minded, you may start on something today and abandon it tomorrow
Rash - decisions in an impatient manner; overlook difficulties and problems which later crop up and cause you trouble
Dependent - reliant on others to get things done; you need someone to keep motivating you
Superficial - you appear to have brilliant ideas on the surface but you have not properly thought through your ideas; to reach the finish line you skip important groundwork
You're a Fire Person - sensitive, energetic and creative. You can enhance these qualities by strengthening your inner-self with yoga, meditation.
These are your brief profiles, for deeper insight and analysis kindly reach out to the Fengshui Expert, Anjanaa Mistry at